Helicopter JOBS!

About This Employer

Rotorcraft Support, Inc.

16425 Hart Street
Van Nuys CA 91406
United States
Rotorcraft Support, Inc. is building a state-of-the-art helicopter maintenance facility located in beautiful Fillmore, Ventura County, CA. We provide an entire array of support services, including sales, examinations, repair, upgrades, and component overhaul, exchanges and warranties. We are a Factory Authorized Service Center for Bell Helicopters, Airbus Helicopters, Sikorsky, MD Helicopters, Robinson and Augusta. We have provided superior service to the aviation industry since 1986. We take pride in our ongoing commitment to safety, reliability and excellence.

Helicopter Helmets
Leonardo Helicopters
Becker Avionics
Spectrum Aeromed
Palm Beach Helicopters
Tampa Bay Aviation
US Customs and Border Protection
IAC Composite Blade Repair
Flight Safety Live Learning
REACH Air Medical
Centum Lifeseeker
Ascent Aero