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U.S. Customs and Border Protection AMO
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Effective June 2019 
Pilot-Air Interdiction Agent position CBP AMO
There are 3 ways to apply for the Air Interdiction Agent (Pilot) position:
1- Via our new Exclusive Direct Hire AIA announcement here or copy/paste in your browser: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/532669100
2- www.airlineapps.com – click on AMO’s banner on the homepage and follow site instructions!
3- By email directly with an AMO Recruiter- please email the following documents to: CBP_AMO_RECRUITING@CBP.DHS.GOV
a. Aviation Resume (include total time, PIC, instrument, and night flight hours. Must also include professional work experience as a pilot with employment dates)
b. Completed AIA Application Checklist (Send the latest form once applicant reaches out to you directly or via the contact form)
c. If previous, current, or retired military, a copy of your latest DD-214 (member 2 or 4 only). Active duty applicants need to submit a Statement of Service.
  • If you are an O-4 or higher active duty retiree - under 5 U.S.C. 2018, veteran, disable veteran; preference eligible, retired members of the armed forces are not included in the definition of preference eligible, unless they are a disabled veteran or they retired below the grade of O-4 or its equivalent. If you have any service connected VA disability rating (even 0%), please include a copy of VA disability letter. 
Discover a challenging and rewarding career with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the sole organization responsible for securing the Nation's borders. CBP employees protect our Nation's borders from terrorism, human and drug smuggling, illegal migration, and agricultural pests while simultaneously facilitating the flow of legitimate travel and trade.
This is an exciting opportunity for you to strengthen the Department's and our partners' ability to perform their homeland security functions by doing the following:
  • Conduct air-to-air, air-to-water, and air-to-ground border interdiction of people and conveyances illegally crossing U.S. borders
  • Patrol oceans, lakes, and rivers to prevent the illegal entry of weapons of terror
  • Prohibit illegal narcotics and prevent the entry of undocumented aliens
Being an Air Interdiction Agent (AIA) makes you a valuable member of the Federal Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) profession. Typical assignments include:
  • Operating Unmanned Aircraft Systems performing law enforcement missions
  • Performing interdiction duties that include intelligence gathering, detecting, intercepting, tracking, apprehending, testifying and acting as liaison with other Federal, State, local, tribal and foreign law enforcement agencies
  • Developing strategies to track aircraft, vessels and people to accomplish an effective and successful interdiction
  • Gathering and sharing intelligence information on illegal activities or potential acts of terrorism with internal customers, the general aviation and marine communities and other law enforcement agencies
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the world’s largest civilian law enforcement organization.
  • Air and Marine Operations (AMO) is a federal law enforcement organization dedicated to serving and protecting the American people. We apply advanced aeronautical and maritime capabilities and employ our unique skill sets to preserve America’s security interests.
  • 74 Air and Marine Operations locations, including branches and units, National Air Security Operations Centers, and the Air and Marine Operations Center
  • Conduct air-to-air, air-to-water, and air-to-ground border interdiction of people and conveyances illegally crossing U.S. borders.
  • Patrol oceans, lakes, and rivers to prevent the illegal entry of weapons of terror
  • Prohibit illegal narcotics and prevent the entry of undocumented aliens
  • On a typical day, AMO flies 212 Enforcement hours at and beyond the border, and within our nation’s interior.
  • Newly approved Special Salary Rate of 35% approved for all CBP Air Interdiction Agents effective 5/12/2019 – click here
  • 10% retention bonus has been approved for all pilots grade 11-15 for the following locations: Aguadilla, PR; Alpine, TX; Grand Forks, ND; Laredo, TX; McAllen, TX; Sierra Vista, AZ; Yuma, AZ.
  • INTERDICTION: Efforts to intercept, apprehend, and disrupt threats in the land, sea, and air domains as they move toward or across the borders of the United States.
  • INVESTIGATION: AMO’s specialized investigative skill sets are unique among law enforcement in the air and maritime environments.
  • DOMAIN AWARENESS: The observation of the operating domain (air, land, and maritime) and baseline information associated with the domain.
  • Terror threats and incidents
  • Continuity of operations
  • Federal disaster relief
  • National special security event
  • AMO was established January 17, 2006
Hiring Minimums
Pilot Enter on Duty minimums are 1500 flight hours; (up to 500 hours can be waived, reducing the pilot enter on duty minimums to 1000 hours)
  • A current FAA Commercial or ATP Pilot Certification with the following ratings:
    • Dual Rated: Airplane (Single-engine land or multi-engine land) with instrument rating AND Rotorcraft Helicopter with instrument rating; OR
    • Airplane Rated: Airplane (Single-engine land or multi-engine land) with instrument; OR
    • Helicopter Rated: Rotorcraft Helicopter with instrument rating
  • 250 Pilot-in-Command hours and
  • 75 Instrument hours
  • 75 Night hours
  • FAA Class I medical required for assessment dated within last 12 calendar months
  • FAA Class II medical will qualify. It must be dated within last 12 calendar months. However, at the time of your Flight Assessment you MUST present a FAA 1st Class Medical Certificate dated within the previous 12 calendar months.
  • FAA Commercial or ATP - Airplane or Helicopter rated w/instruments or both
Apply at 750 hours total time

Applicants applying at 750 flight hours are required to obtain at least 1,000 flight hours (depending on the number of hours approved for a waiver) at own expense before being able to attend the 3-part flight assessment. Applicant must still meet 250 PIC, 75 instrument and 75 night hours.

Age Requirement
You must be referred for consideration before reaching your 40th birthday in accordance with Public Law 100-238. The age restriction doesn't apply if you are a veteran preference eligible. Documentation: a DD-214 member 4 or service 2 if prior military, or VA disability letter will be required. Active duty applicants: please submit Statement of Service.

This is a career ladder position with a grade level progression of GS-11, GS-12 & GS-13. You will be eligible for a promotion to the next higher grade level automatically (without re-applying) once you complete 52-weeks at each grade level.

Air Interdiction Agents (AIA) special salary rates are posted on OPM’s site at: https://apps.opm.gov/SpecialRates/2019/Table057105122019.aspx

Compensation acronyms used below:
  • LEAP: Law Enforcement Availability Pay (25%)
  • RI: Retention Incentive (10%) or Recruitment Incentive (25% for CAMB Only)
  • SSR: Special Salary Rate – as posted by OPM

Example annual compensation for the first three years at our new-hire locations (Laredo TX, McAllen TX, Sierra Vista AZ, and Grand Forks ND) which are currently authorized to receive a 10% retention incentive (amounts below include the SSR + LEAP + 10% RI).
  • GS-11, 1st year annual pay - $98,059
  • GS-12, 2nd year annual pay - $117,533
  • GS-13, 3rd year annual pay - $139,760
Newly appointed Air Interdiction Agents (AIAs) that Enter on Duty (EOD) in a Caribbean Air and Marine Branch (CAMB) duty location, have been authorized to receive a 25% Recruitment Incentive (RI) for up to 4 years, in-addition to Law Enforcement Availability Pay (LEAP). The below example of CAMB annual compensation includes SSR + LEAP + 25% RI:
  • GS-11, 1st year annual pay - $108,955
  • GS-12, 2nd year annual pay - $130,586
  • GS-13, 3rd year annual pay - $155,289
Relocation Expenses: Relocation expenses will be paid in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulation limits and agency policy for Caribbean Air and Marine Branch (CAMB) locations ONLY. Newly appointed AIAs that Enter on Duty (EOD) in a Caribbean Air and Marine Branch (CAMB) duty location have been authorized to receive a 25% RI (NOTE: Current federal employees serving in a permanent position are not eligible to receive a RI). 25% of your scheduled salary (base pay plus locality) for these locations will be paid at the beginning of each year, for up to a total of three years. The RI requires a three year/156-week service agreement.
You must remain employed as an AIA in the eligible duty location for the period of the service agreement in order to receive and remain eligible for the RI.
Polygraph Examination: The AIA position is a polygraph-required position. You must undergo a polygraph exam with favorable results in order to continue in the pre-employment process.
Please see Polygraph Examination.

Polygraph Reciprocity: CBP may accept the results of a prior federal polygraph exam in lieu of a CBP polygraph exam. You will receive information to request reciprocity in your BI Package.

Polygraph Waiver: Certain veterans (current TS/SCI) may be eligible to obtain a polygraph waiver. You will receive information to request a waiver in your BI Package.
Additional Information
Current Federal Employees: may be required to serve a probationary period in accordance with 5 CFR 315 and may be required to accept a change to lower grade, which may reduce their current salary based on Federal pay regulation.
Firearm Proficiency: Firearm proficiency is required for Air Interdiction Agents and is part of the training provided.

Driver's License: You must possess a valid driver's license.
Probationary Period: You must serve a one-year probationary period during the first year of your initial permanent federal appointment to determine fitness for continued employment.

Mandatory Completion of Basic Training: You will be detailed to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Academy (FLETC) in Glynco, GA, for 16 weeks of Air and Marine Basic Training (AMBT). The training is comprised of formalized courses of basic technical instruction necessary to perform the duties of the position, including an untested swim/water survival course. Additionally, you will complete the following training programs: (1) Spanish Language training course; (2) Initial Survival Training course; (3) Aircraft-specific Flight Training course; and (4) Standardized Tactical Aviation Training (STAT) course.

Mobility: You are required to sign a mobility agreement and be willing to relocate as necessary.

Uniforms: This position requires you to wear an officially-approved uniform while in a duty status.
Shift Work: This position requires regular and recurring shift work. You must be willing and available to work rotating shifts. You may also be rotated between assignments and duty locations.

Overtime: Employees must be fully trained to be eligible for overtime.
Age Requirement
You must be referred for consideration before reaching your 40th birthday in accordance with Public Law 100-238. The age restriction doesn't apply if you are a veteran preference eligible. Documentation: a DD-214 member 4 or service 2 if prior military, or VA disability letter will be required.
Retirement benefits
The Federal Employees Retirement System, or FERS, is a three-tiered retirement plan. The three components are:
  1. Social Security Benefits – Special Retirement Supplement
  2. Basic Benefit Plan-Pension
  3. Thrift Savings Plan
The three components of FERS work together to give you a strong financial foundation for your retirement years.
Special Retirement Supplement
You also receive a Special Retirement Supplement until age 62 that approximates the Social Security benefit earned in Federal service. After you reach the Minimum Retirement Age (MRA), if you have earnings from wages or self-employment that exceed the Social Security annual exempt amount, your supplement will be reduced or stopped. In addition, you are entitled to an annual Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA), regardless of your age.
Your annual annuity is:
1.7% of your high-3 average pay
20 years of service
additional 1.0% per year over 20 (military buy back)
Thrift Savings Plan
Once you become eligible to participate in the Thrift Savings Plan, there are three types of contributions that may be made to your account:
  1. Agency Automatic (1%) Contributions
  2. Employee Contributions
  3. Agency Matching Contributions
Agency Automatic (1%) Contributions
Your agency will set up a Thrift account for you and will automatically contribute an amount equal to 1% of your basic pay each pay period. These Agency Automatic (1%) Contributions are not taken out of your salary, and your agency makes these contributions whether or not you contribute your own money.
Employee Contributions
You may make your own contributions by payroll deductions. The money you contribute is taken out of your pay before Federal and, in almost all cases, State income taxes are calculated. You may contribute up to 10% of the basic pay you earn each pay period up to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) limit, which is $10,000 in 1998. (This limit may be adjusted each calendar year according to the Internal Revenue Code.)
Agency Matching Contributions
The agency contributions are not taken out of your salary; they are an extra benefit to you. While your agency will only provide matching contributions on your contributions up to 5% of your basic pay each pay period, you still benefit from before-tax savings and tax-deferred earnings on amounts you contribute in excess of 5% of your basic pay each pay period.
The examples at the end of this booklet illustrate the importance of Thrift Plan participation in your total benefits package. The examples also show the effect on a FERS retirement package of contributing 3% of pay and 5% of pay.
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