Helicopter JOBS!

About This Employer

Trans Aero LTD

5235 Gulfstream Ct
Loveland CO 80538
United States
In business since 1966, we are a Loveland, Colorado-based Commercial Helicopter Operator. We provide flight services in various fields, as well as maintenance and repair. From our diverse fleet of aircraft to highly skilled crew, we offer a knowledgable and high level of service to all of our customers.

Our current aircraft fleet consists of Airbus Helicopter models (AS350B3/H125), Bell Helicopter models (205A1), MD models (MD530F), and Sikorsky Models(UH60). The Trans Aero LTD helicopters are suited for a variety of applications, and designed for hot/high temperatures and altitudes, transporting material externally with highly skilled vertical reference pilots and Medical Helicopters.

Trans Aero LTD
Loveland , CO
Experience Required: Y
Manages Others: Y
Degree Required: N
Minimum Flight Hours Required: 3001
Employment Type: Employee
Trans Aero LTD
Loveland , CO
Experience Required: Y
Manages Others:
Degree Required:
Minimum Flight Hours Required: 2001
Employment Type: Employee
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